Straight Pride Shut Down

Image: A firework sends sparks into a group of oncoming Straight Pride supporters. Pink Knight Press.

08.27.2022 | “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, christian fascists go away!” chants a crowd 200 strong, toting anti-fascist, Feminist, and pro-Queer flags and signs. Today, anti-Queer proponents planned to hold Modesto, California’s annual “Straight Pride” event in front of their local Planned Parenthood (for coverage of last year, click here), an event they were forced to cancel this year: here’s how.

Queer, Feminist, and Anti-fascist activists arrived hours before the planned Straight Pride event, with snacks, water, first-aid, and community care. This crowd held the space with banners and camaraderie until 11:05, when eight or nine people came up and attacked, breaking signs and grabbing at clothing. Judging by the American flag shirts and right-wing symbols, one can assume they were planning to attend Straight Pride. The small group threw things into the bigger group and vice versa. When a bush in the middle of the exchange started smoking, an unlawful assembly was declared and police began pushing in.

Riot police charged, firing pepper balls (paintballs filled with a chemical skin and eye irritant) into the crowd. Batons swung forcefully at steadfast banner-holders, who refused as much ground as they could. Pro-Queer drummers pounded a rhythm that instilled bravery throughout the crowd, which continued only minor retreats. The police doubled their efforts, charging forward and beating people with batons.

Pepper balls were shot at a range of mere feet, and a shotgun loaded with “less-lethal” rounds was fired into the chest of an activist at less than two feet of separation. Two others were hit by such rounds, one in the jaw and one in the stomach, one of which lost consciousness. Extensive tests by the LAPD caused the department to stop using such rounds as they are too lethal and “frequently failed to work as designed” (LA Times).

FOX40 reported four arrested, with one prompt release and three detained; the reason given was simply “failure to disperse”.

This year’s anti-Queer “Straight Pride” event never came to be, and when pro-Queer activists did disperse, they let out triumphant cheers.


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